TCF s.r.l. TCF

TCF turns 35


30 April 2012 2025-02-08 Company 0 comment
The year 2012 celebrates the 35th anniversary ofr TCF, Termoventilatori Condizionatori Felsinea Srl.

In the year 2012 we celebrate the first 35 years of activity of TCF, certainly a goal worth noticing in the Italian and European scenario of air-handling units manufacturers.

It is likely that Mr. Daniele Negrini and Mr. Calogero Marcellina would not have imagined that when, back in 1977, they started the production of AHUs which, over the years, would become a reference point for the uncommon capacity to adapt to the customers needs, always different and more and more complex, but creating the special feeling of mutual trust which, consolidating in time, has brought TCF to levels of quality and flexibility extremely rare for this type of products.

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