TCF s.r.l. TCF

Hospital Muntenia

Pitesti, Romania

01 June 2013 2024-10-22 References 0 comment
Complete renovation of the important local cardiological centre.

In recent times many a hospital have been renovated in Romania, all over the country, to improve the standards for the patients hospitalisation and to equal them with the international ones. Such is the case for the cardiological hospital in Pitesti, a city west of the capital Bucharest, where the renovation will be complete as per June 2013, when the new centre will be handed over officially, completed on all floors.

Specific AZH and AZ air-handling units have been chosen for the ventilation of the operating theatres and patients rooms, after a careful selection process to allow these units to be installed in the extremely narrow spaces destined to them. The installation, complet with controls and pipings has been arranged for by the Romanian distributor of TCF, the company C R Consulting from Bucharest, who has successfully installed many AHUs in several hospitals in the country (Spital Maternitate Braila, Spital Municipal Bucuresti, Spital Fundeni Bucuresti, Spital Iasi and more) due to their versatility and premium hygienical application features, such as stainless steel AISI304 internal panelsm slides, frames and support, as well as condensate drain pans and draining panels in the same material.

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